Please reference the following Q&A to answer key questions we are hearing at this time regarding the first round of Economic Impact Payments:

Question: How can I confirm my payment type (direct deposit or check)?

Answer: The U.S. Treasury is developing and launched a web-based portal HERE for individuals to provide their banking information to the IRS online, so that individuals can receive payments more quickly by Direct Deposit as opposed to checks in the mail.

Question: The IRS says it has “deposited” money into taxpayers bank accounts, but I don’t have my money yet. What’s going on?

Answer: The IRS will be sending Economic Impact Payments over the next several weeks to those eligible. The first wave, an estimated 81 million payments, includes many of those who have provided their bank account information through filing their taxes in 2018 or 2019 or through other federal programs. Not all of the payments have been sent yet. In this first round, the IRS will continue sending payments through Monday night, with instructions to make the deposits on April 15. All account holders receiving payments in this round will have their payment by Wednesday morning.
It is the IRS that determines when payments are made, and we will not know which round anyone is in until we receive their payment. Some people might be getting payments in future rounds. Many recipients will receive payments via check, and those are expected to be delivered over several weeks beginning the week of April 20th.

Question: How much am I eligible to receive?

Answer: Use the calculator below to find out:

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